One of the videos I chose to look at was one created and
edited by Raquel Couceiro which has a theme based on punk. Below the video is
an image of a pair of shoes which the video has been related to both showing a
mouth with vampire teeth which seems to be one of the main focuses of the video.
When watching the video, it portrays a scary mood and makes you wary of what is
next in the video.
The style of the music relates with the collection shown in
the video which is also punk. The music has been made with electric guitars and
screams in the background creating an effective edgy feeling. It is set indoors
in a black/dark room where almost nothing can be seen except for the main
focuses which are the models and their props. Although there is barely any
lighting, the lighting that is shown is very harsh with flashes of light that
flickers throughout, again giving that edgy, cautious look.
The video initially is based on a collection which resembles
an attitude. There is plenty of imagery in the video that links to the
collection. Below the video is a pair of shoes which link to the video also
have the same teeth at the front of the shoe that is viewed in the video. The
garments shown also feature animal skin including snake skin and leather also
linking to the teeth which could potentially be animal teeth. Part of the props
include a gun which could portray the hunting of the animals.
The model reflects the collection as she has been given a
specific styling typically towards punk, she has black lipstick and pale skin,
similar to a vampire also relating to the teeth and hunting. The timing of the
video is fast paced, sharp and snappy.
Another video I looked at was created by Sasha Wider which I
found really interesting to watch and felt drawn into the video itself. The
theme seems to be vintage as it has an old feeling to it.the music in the video
makes it feel scary and wandering what will happen next. There is no
voices/singing in the music, it is just a tune which I feel gives it a better
affect as you are waiting to see what happens.
The video is set indoors in a larger building which seems to
be deserted and like nobody knows it is there. The garments worn by the female
models are long black dresses as well as a blind fold. I think they have been
dressed in all black so they do not stand out which I think links to the
narrative of the video. The narrative, from viewing the video numerous times
seems to be based on time as the main prop are two watches shown by the male
model. The video is based on the male model controlling the female models and they
are trapped in the building by a male over powering them but as time goes by
the women lose their blind fold and regain their sight and freedom similar to
real life events from centuries ago when women where seen as less important but
as time has gone by, everyone is now seen as equals. The watch symbolises the
time in which women were given freedom.
The lighting in the video is dull and gloomy which gives an
airy effect, the whole video seems to be black and white with very lack of
colours. The styling of the models have been made to create a very simple,
plain look, there hairs are all tied back with no makeup with little facial
expressions. Overall, I think this video has created a scary feel but towards
the end a sense of happiness as the women in the film are free.