Monday, 10 March 2014

The Line Up and Technical Drawings

After taking into consideration all my previous designs and what had been said in the buyers meeting, I then had to produce a line-up of my final ideas consisting of 5-10 designs. Below is my final line up which I will be presenting to Chris for him to give me more feedback so I can produce my final design.
I created my final line up by using illustrator where I used a male model template to draw around and then used the paint brush tool to design my garments. I then used the same tool to fill in the garment with colour and used the opacity to create the shadow effects.

The images below are the concept boards for each of my designs on the final line up along with their technical drawings consisting of the front, back and side view of the jacket and the front and back view of the pants. I have also added the top stitching to the technical drawings and where any zips would be added.
I have also added some images of other garments that have similar concepts as the ones I have designed. I have done this so that the client who I am producing the designs for can get a good image of how it would look.

Overall, I am really pleased with how my technical drawings have turned out. I feel I have made progress since the last assignment where I had to create technical drawings and hopefully my skills will get better. I think to make my technical drawings better and more professional I will add colour and ensure again I have added all the correct markings.


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